V-았/었더니 grammar = (1) 'so...now', (2) 'and I found that', (3) connecting quote with action, (4) recall a behavior
Download V-았/었더니 grammar = (1) 'so...now', (2) 'and I found that', (3) connecting quote with action, (4) recall a behavior Free
L2.58 V-았/었더니 grammar = (1) 'so...now', (2) 'and I found that', (3) connecting quote with action, (4) recall a behavior
- Indicate something happened as a result of something else = so now, and as a result (example 1-4)
- Express speaker’s discovery after doing something = and I found that (example 5, 6) = V-보니 grammar
- Connect quote with action = but / and (example 7, 8)
- Indicate something happened as a result of something else = so now, and as a result (example 1-4)
- Express speaker’s discovery after doing something = and I found that (example 5, 6) = V-보니 grammar
- Connect quote with action = but / and (example 7, 8)
- Recall a reaction or behavior of someone to the action or behavior in the preceding clause (example 10, 11).
- Can only be used for subject as the 1st person (3rd person is possible when quoting someone else’s action or behavior) (example 9)
- Can only be used for subject as the 1st person (3rd person is possible when quoting someone else’s action or behavior) (example 9)
Verb + -았/었더니:
웃다 -- 웃었더니
보다 -- 봤더니
가다 -- 갔더니
만들다 -- 만들었더니
공부하다 -- 공부했더니
물을 마시다 -- 물을 마셨더니
야근하다 -- 야근했더니
1. 안나 씨, 얼굴이 안 좋아 보여요.
- 며칠 야근을 했더니 몸살이 났어요.
- 며칠 야근을 했더니 몸살이 났어요.
Anna, you don’t look good.
- I worked late for a few days, so I fell ill now.
- I worked late for a few days, so I fell ill now.
2. 민아 씨는 졸리지 않아요?
- 네, 좀 전에 커피를 마셨더니 괜찮은데요.
Aren’t you sleepy, Anna?
- No, I drank some coffee earlier, so I am fine now.
- No, I drank some coffee earlier, so I am fine now.
3. 약을 먹었더니 좀 좋아졌어요.
I took some medicine, so I felt better now.
4. 한국 드라마를 꾸준히 봤더니 한국말이 자연스러워진 것 같아요.
I watched Korean dramas steadily, so my Korean seems to become more natural.
5. 극장에 갔더니 사람이 많았어요.
I went to the cinema and found that there were a lot of people.
6. 그분을 만나 봤더니 아주 친절한 분이 셨어요.
I met that person and found that she was very kind.
8. 이가 아파서 치과에 갔더니 1주일 후에 다시 한 번 오래요.
7. 파티에 여자 친구에게 같이 가자고 했더니 싫다고 하더라고요.
I invited my girlfriend to the party, but she said she don’t want to go.
8. 이가 아파서 치과에 갔더니 1주일 후에 다시 한 번 오래요.
My tooth was hurting so I went to the dentist, and the doctor said to come back in a week.
9. 일찍 일어났더니 피곤해요.(1st person)/ 안나 씨가 일찍 일어났더니 피곤대요. (3rd person)
I wake up early, and so I am tired. / Anna said she wake up early and now she was tired.
10. 사람들이 웃었더니 민아 씨 얼굴이 빨개졌어요.
Everyone laughed, so Mina’s face turned red.
11. 앤디 씨가 늦겠다고 했더니 수지 씨가 화를 냈어요.
Andy said he will be late, so Suzy got angry.
Comparison between A/V-더니 grammar and V-았/었더니 grammar
1. V-았/었더니 grammar
- 1st person subject (3rd person is possible when quoting someone else’s action or behavior)
- The subject of 2 clauses can be different
- Can be used for Verb only.
- Meaning:
+ result of a past occurrence
+ express speaker’s discovery after doing something
+ recall a reaction or behavior of someone to the action or behavior in the preceding clause
+ connect quotes with action
+ result of a past occurrence
+ express speaker’s discovery after doing something
+ recall a reaction or behavior of someone to the action or behavior in the preceding clause
+ connect quotes with action
- 2nd and 3rd person subject (1st person subject is possible when reflecting on oneself in an objective manner)
- The subjects of both clauses must be the same
- Can be used for Verb and Adjective
- Meaning:+ result of a past occurrence
+ contrast between past and present
+ recall an action witnessed in the past and its following action
+ contrast between past and present
+ recall an action witnessed in the past and its following action